Sebastian Van Geel
Founder - Managing Director, Raven Investment Real Estate

Before the coaching
I was tense, insecure, tired (and tiring in my interactions), chaotic, and anxious. As a result, my effectiveness was much too low in relation to the energy that it cost me to get to my results.
Although I enjoyed my life, and thought everything was going into the right direction, working was literally W O R K I N G.
So I entered the programme to get clarity about my situation and how to improve (it), and that is exactly what I got out of it!

The coaching experience
The coaching experience was actually too much and too intense to be able to describe it all in detail!
Here's an overview of some of the most impactful elements we touched upon:

My stress level was very high but I was not aware of this, resulting in a high energy loss. Dennis made me aware of this. By recognising this, it could be solved. Later on, we continued to work on this by applying exercises and learning to listen to my body instead of overruling it.

Personal energy
Together, we started analysing my energy consumption. We found that I used up my energy incorrectly, so that I was empty and tired at the end of the day. After learning to dose and handle my energy correctly throughout the day, I am now much more able to stay highly energised and focussed during the entire day.

Fear and uncertainty
I did have some fears in my body, things that were settled in from the past.
We have tackled this problem, by creating a clear vision. A vision that can work as a compass to navigate life. In this way, when there are fears popping up, I can look at the bigger whole and trust the path and process. A process that at times is trial and error, but that in the end will lead to the desired results.
In addition, I learned many 'tricks' -which I now use systematically- to first of all prevent these anxious and uncertain feelings, and to then be able to cope with them whenever needed.

I actually think this has been the most important insight I have gained during the programme. My belief was that I don't need anyone in life and that I could do everything on my own.
Wrong! It's all about working together, trusting and gathering the right people in the right place. Connect and inspire to build a better world together. Only then will you have a true impact and can you make a difference.

Ensure balance in life and consciously free up time for the things that really matter. In many cases, we're all so overwhelmed by what is supposed to happen that we often miss the essence of life. We often deprive the most import people in life (children, partner, yourself, friends) from the attention they deserve. This programme has taught me to be 100% dedicated to these people at specific times.
Nice anecdote: I have started dancing lessons together with my middle daughter. This is a moment that we share, a true daughter-father moment. The twinkle in my daughter's eyes while dancing together is what it's all about. In these moments, everything else in the world just fades away.

Embrace the beauty of life
I already had this belief before the programme, but by analysing my core values, one value has clearly emerged above all others: "Love".
Love can be found everywhere and in everything you do. As long as you can embrace it, then you rule the world!

The path
This is something we worked on at the end of our long process together.
Who am I? Why do I do what I do? And where do I want to end up as a person, a father and an entrepreneur?
This is clear to me now, and it strengthens me in everything that I do.

The result
I have emerged as a leader!
A leader who inspires and connects!
My biggest drive is to work in relation with the bigger whole, and to build a better world, together.

I act out of love and I embrace the beauty of life.

"It doesn't always have to be the most efficient way. The most fun way can also be the best way."

[Coach's note: in 'hard' results, this programme contributed to make Sebastian's business revenue grow by 275%.]